Client Stories
Our Clients are what keep us going at LocalKind – get inspired by their stories and how we all come together as a community.
Donny’s Story
Donny’s Story The best way to tackle homelessness or other crisis is prevention of those circumstances for people at-risk, which
Emily’s Story
Emily’s Story We are touched to share a story of transformation that highlights our Homeless Outreach Service and our incredible
Murray’s Story
Murray’s marriage broke down due to his addiction. Shame, guilt and his lack of self-worth meant that Murray asked for
Samira’s Story
Samira* is a refugee who faced being coerced into a violent arranged marriage in her home country. After fleeing her
Tara’s Story
Tara* attended LocalKind reluctantly last winter after simultaneously being made redundant and her husband walking away from their marriage and
Brian’s Story
Brian was born addicted to heroin. The abuse and neglect he sustained from his primary caregivers and later the institutions
Sarah’s Story
Sarah* was suffering from psychological abuse inflicted by her husband. Sarah arrived at our drop-in centre one day in 2022,
Peter’s Story
Peter* may not be the typical, commonly depicted version of someone suffering from domestic violence or coercive control. Peter has
Kate’s Story
Meet Kate*, a woman in her 50s. Kate has been a victim-survivor of domestic violence for 30 years but has
Amir’s Story
Amir is an immigrant who found himself homeless in our community. He moved to another country where he was persecuted for
Kelly’s Story
Kelly is a woman who is sleeping rough in the bushes. She often said that she was fed up with ‘The