Donny's Story

The best way to tackle homelessness or other crisis is prevention of those circumstances for people at-risk, which our support workers are frequently engaged in. This story also highlights the value of our Community Hub, hosted services, and service referrals.
Donny made a suicide attempt and found himself out of work. He struggled with isolation and needed to address financial realities.
LocalKind Northern Beaches (LK) connected Donny with Mentoring Men @mentoringmenaus and Mongrels Men #mongrolsmen, where he has found connection and belonging. LK also connected Donny with CCNB @ccnb.cares’s The Way Back Program, a program that works with people who have made attempts on their own lives, as well as Lifeline financial counselling to assist with debts he has incurred since losing his stable income.
Donny often attends LK to connect with our support workers as a secure base, where he can get his thoughts out and plan his engagement with other services. He no longer feels like he has nowhere to go, and he has a multifaceted support network that he can access at any time.
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